Frequently Asked Questions

Counselling and Therapy FAQs

I have put together a list of frequently asked questions that you, as a client, may have or for those of you looking for a therapist on behalf of your child. If you can not find the answer to your question on this page please feel free to contact me.

How long does each session last?

- All therapy sessions are for 50 minutes with sessions taking place on a weekly basis at an agreed day and time. An initial 6 week commitment is required.

- Supervision appointments are for 1.5 hours and take place per calendar month.

- Coaching appointments are between 1 and 1.5 hours with frequency to be agreed.

How long will I need to be in therapy for?

Therapy usually takes place for 50 minutes each week at the same time and day. The number of sessions will vary for each person but we can discuss this at your initial appointment. I ask for an initial 6 week commitment.

What happens if I can’t make an appointment?

If you are unable to make an appointment then please let me know by ringing or texting, giving 36 hours’ notice where possible.

Where will I wait if I’m early?

As I work from home I ask you to turn up at your appointed time. This ensures that you are not sitting around waiting for your session.

What shall I do if I’m running late?

If you are running late then please ring or text, it may be that I can’t respond straight away as I may be with another client but I will contact you to let you know that I have received your notice as soon as I’m free.

How should I pay for my session?

You can pay for your session by cash at the end of the session or by mobile banking in advance of each session.

Will other people know what we have talked about?

What we talk about in your sessions is private so whatever you tell me stays between us. I will only need to tell someone else if I believe that you or someone else are at risk of serious harm. I would always let you know that I need to tell someone else before I did anything.

What happens in the sessions?

In our first session you will be asked to complete some questionnaires and answer some questions relating to your health and wellbeing and your life to date, This is part of the assessment process for me to have a clearer understanding of how you are feeling and how we can work together. The questionniares include the PHQ9 which gives an indication of mood, and the GAD7 which gives an indication of anxiety levels. In our first session we will also discuss further your wants from therapy. The content of sessions are led by you. We might start each session with a review of how you were after the last session and what might be helpful for you to work on this week.

How does therapy help?

The most important thing in therapy is the relationship between you and me. Having someone outside of your family and friends that you can talk to, who won’t judge you or be upset by what you think and feel can give you the freedom to speak freely about what’s going on for you. This will enable you to work through and understand your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

(Parents & Guardians) I think my child should have counselling, but they're not too sure. What should I do?

Young people sometimes feel embarrassed or scared of coming to see a therapist. If your young person is agreeable we would arrange a short contact session to see how they feel about me, the environment and if they are comfortable to go ahead with sessions.

(Parents & Guardians) I'm struggling with issues revolving around my child. Can I see you for counselling?

I see adults as well as young people and adolescents. Please contact me and we can discuss what it is you are looking to achieve.

Have another question?

If you can't find the answer to you question above please feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to help.