Manifestation, Vision Board and Calming Yin

Manifestation, Vision Board and Calming Yin

Manifestation, Vision Board and Calming Yin

I’m so excited to be bringing this to you on the 10th February ✨💫
Why not bring your bestie for a beautiful afternoon 🥰

Our Vision Board workshop and Yin practice creates space for you to drop inward, to connect to your deepest heartfelt desires. We will start with a pranayama and mudra to support you in connecting to your true self and setting your intentions for the session or maybe the year🙏🏼

You will be guided through meditation, manifestation and visualisation, using your emotions and senses to focus and align you to whats important 🤍💕
After this opening sequence, you will be able to journal, have a cup of tea and biscuit as you move on to creativity - making your vision board to take home 🦋👩‍🎨📝.
The final sequence of the workshop is our Yin practice, you will have an hour of postures brought together to awaken dormant energy and allow you to integrate your manifestations and visions in to your body, mind and spirit. Its my sincere wish that you leave feeling reflective, energised and joyful 💎


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